


There are two basic ways in which a user can get BlindPenguin they can download it directly from the internet onto their computer or they can download it from the internet onto something like a floppy disk and copy it onto their computer form there.

Getting BlindPenguin Directly

  1. Click on the BlindPenguin.tar.gz link on the BlindPenguin download page.
  2. Unzip BlindPenguin by typing gunzip BlindPenguin.tar.gz, this should take a couple of seconds.
  3. Untar BlindPenguin by typing tar –xf BlindPenguin.tar, this will create a directory called BlindPenguin where all the source files are.

Getting the BlindPenguin from a Disk

  1. Place the disk in the drive and mount it, mount –t vfat /dev/fd0 /a is an example of how to mount a floppy but consult your Linux manual. The –t vfat is telling Linux that it is looking for a Win32 file system.
  2. Copy the BlindPenguin.tar.gz file to a directory on the hard drive, it is possible to carryout the following steps on a floppy but it is very slow. cp BlindPenguin.tar.gz /some_dir will work fine.
  3. Unzip BlindPenguin by typing gunzip BlindPenguin.tar.gz, this should take a couple of seconds.
  4. Untar BlindPenguin by typing tar –xf BlindPenguin.tar, this will create a directory called BlindPenguin where all the source files are.

Compiling BlindPenguin

To compile BlindPenguin type the following commands one after the other in the directory where the sources are.

  1. xmkmf (mandatory)
  2. make (mandatory)
  3. make install (optional but recommended access to the X11/bin directory may be needed)
  4. make (optional but recommended access to the X11/bin directory may be needed)

Note:- The case of the letters is very important Xmkmf is not the same as xmkmf.

Note:- To install the interface simply copy it to a directory such as the X11/bin directory.

Binary Files

It is possible to install BlindPenguin as a binary only. The steps described in the sections Getting BlindPenguin Directly and Getting BlindPenguin from Disk are the same there is just no need to compile it.